MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary
Meet our Volunteers
Our dedicated volunteers are the backbone of our ministry

Frontline Volunteers
Frontline volunteers work directly with guests in our Doorway Ministry, sorting and distributing food, clothing, hygiene products, and other essentials including household goods like blankets and space heaters in the winter and fans and air conditioners in the summer. Directly after Doorway Ministry on Tuesdays, Frontline volunteers also provide guests with bicycles.

Garden Team
We have 20 raised beds in our community gardens. The produce is distributed in our Doorway Ministry. We also donate produce to our partner Trickelbee Cafe, Milwaukee's first pay-what-you-can community cafe.
The gardens are planted, tended, and harvested by members of our Garden Team and other volunteers. Neighbors, visiting student organizations, and church groups often join in. We welcome experienced gardeners and novices alike.

Nursing Team
Seven registered nurses with a current license to practice in the State of Wisconsin make up our Nursing Team.
During Doorway Ministry, our nurses focus on health issues from blood pressure and medication checks to avoiding drinking water with lead. The team is dedicated to improving the health of the 53206 community.

Behind the Scenes
Many volunteers work off-site behind the scenes, bringing special skills to our Ministry. Some volunteer positions include researching, grant writing, event planning, fundraising, facility maintenance, social media and website content development, and business liaisons.
The Energy Team, made up of MSOE students and MBHS volunteer, Dave Engsberg, who is both an MSOE alum and an electrical engineer, has been examining how possible alternative energy systems could be utilized throughout our building.

Bagged Lunches Team
Volunteers have made and delivered more than 7,200 bagged lunches for distribution at our Doorway Ministry. For many of our homeless guests who do not have access to a kitchen, this is the only meal they will have that day.
Eighteen families are involved in making the lunches, and there's always room for more. To participate in supplying bag lunches, please contact Clare at

Meal Team
The Meal Team takes orders and packs to-go meals, distributed at Hephatha Lutheran Church during our Fantastic Fridays.
Team leader Clare Peiffer coordinates with our partners who prepare the hot, nutritious, culturally-appropriate food.

Special Events
Throughout the year, volunteers work hard to make special events special. Some of our popular events include:
• Back to school supply drive and distribution
• Arts, crafts, music, and movement experiences
• Christmas Love toy drive and gift distribution
• Christmas day hot meal
• Celebration of the lifework of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
• Spring cleaning supply drive and distribution
• Summer Fun for Families

Our volunteer drivers fulfill two important roles:
Furniture Delivery Drivers make it possible for us to pick up donated items and to get furniture and mattresses to guests in need. This is especially important following a catastrophic event such as a home-fire or eviction.
Produce Delivery Drivers bring fresh food for distribution at our Doorway Ministry. They also take produce from our gardens to partners such as Tricklebee Cafe, Milwaukee's first "pay as you are able" restaurant.
PR, Media, and Website Team
The Public Relations, Media, and Website team consists of Sister Nelda Hernandez, Jana Braam, Princess Safiya Byers, Sharon Ellis, Jill Moore, and Cathy Smith work to keep the community informed about what is happening in the community, at the Sanctuary, and the many ways MBHS serves the residents of 53206 and beyond. They keep our information up-to-date and accurate so those in need can easily access resources the people who can assist them.

Frontline Volunteer Team
Bonnie Barr, Lisa Boudnik, Ray Carey, Anthony Carter, Sandi Dhein, Dave and Terri Engsberg, Tammie Feinermueller, John Fruncek, Rob Grosch, Teresa Harris, Jack and Diane Holzman, Roman James, Jan Kalawa, Jay Landry, Eileen Laren. Ann Leonardelli, Althea Lillie, Rachel Madden, Tommy Milian, Sandy Nowak, Mary Ann Radowski, Julia Sargis, Maureen and Gary Shebesta, Carolyn Shelby, Carol Stegall, Sheila Stucke, Jill Trapp, Kirsten Wild.